LevelSystem Teplate
Hi there
Have anyone a good free level system template with all includes. That means I know about the level system of tshirtbooth, but he hasn't any level also I don't know where I can place the attribute change attribute level to level+1. Can anyone help me? My game is about a ball that rolls down and at the end you must jump into a basket.
Have anyone a good free level system template with all includes. That means I know about the level system of tshirtbooth, but he hasn't any level also I don't know where I can place the attribute change attribute level to level+1. Can anyone help me? My game is about a ball that rolls down and at the end you must jump into a basket.
I have a template there but it cost's $10.
Go here and get OpenFlow, nicely coded and free.
Open up Game Salad and search for the name in the NEW search box and you can download it.
Project Help from Tenrdrmer Click Here
GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!!
Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
AppSolute Entertainment on Facebook
AppSolute Entertainment on iTunes
:-) yes tshirtbooth I like your tutorials but I don't know where I can place the change attribute level to attribute level+1!!!
But now I'll check tendrmer's template!!
It is for free...or not?