Dude once people see it on T.V one of the first things they'll do is jump on Facebook and have a look. Get your but on Facebook and make a page!! . . . ----------------------------------------------------- Join the GameSalad Community and have your game noticed for free. http://www.facebook.com/ListYourTopiPhoneGame List your Top iPhone Game on FaceBook!
I stayed up 3 hours that I shouldn't have last night playing this. Yes, its just a runner. But I had so much fun playing. Great job with this one. Inspires me to make a runner type game!
DreamLab said: I stayed up 3 hours that I shouldn't have last night playing this. Yes, its just a runner. But I had so much fun playing. Great job with this one. Inspires me to make a runner type game!
No problem man. I really am not lying about that. I really did stay up late playing epig rush(or dash, it says rush at the title screen). Very fun. The art is amazing as well. Makes it even more fun to play. Its good that you got some spotlight on tv. How have your sales been since then?
Get your but on Facebook and make a page!!
Join the GameSalad Community and have your game noticed for free.
List your Top iPhone Game on FaceBook!
I hope you'll see big sales coming out of it, this is a once in a life time opportunity, make sure you get the most out of it.
Less is more!