Planetary Gravity or Orbits
Member Posts: 2
Im trying to simulate the Newtonian thought experiment of firing a cannon high enough up and with enough velocity so that the cannon ball will eventually orbit the planet.
If i use particle emitter for the cannon ball fired from an actor called 'cannon' above a separate actor called 'planet', how do give the planet attributes to replicate gravity so that the particles are affected differently depending on the height and velocity of the cannon balls?
Thanks for you help guys, i hope i wasnt confusing.
If i use particle emitter for the cannon ball fired from an actor called 'cannon' above a separate actor called 'planet', how do give the planet attributes to replicate gravity so that the particles are affected differently depending on the height and velocity of the cannon balls?
Thanks for you help guys, i hope i wasnt confusing.
Although if you use the Spawn Actor behavior to spawn the cannon ball, you could maybe use the expression editor to include the physics equations, and use some global attributes to store the planets' radius, gravity, mass, location, etc, to include in the move to behavior with the physics equations.
At last a chance for me to laugh at the people who said i was silly taking Astrophysics instead of joining a sports team after school!!