is there a way to put a video that i have made into my game? Or is there some program that can save my video as different pictures so i can put it in as an animation? please help
icanmake said: is there a way to put a video that i have made into my game? Or is there some program that can save my video as different pictures so i can put it in as an animation? please help
If anyone has one that would be awesome i need one too...
I tried putting in an image sequence with audio to make it look like video, however, the file size turned out massive (even bigger than the original quicktime) and also kept on crashing when I put it on my phone which is a shame.
Rather than import a whole bunch of frames to animate, why not try some of the tricks animators use like having a static image with only the necessary elements moving. eg. a face where just the pupils or mouth changes. This could keep the size/memory down. You cold also use interpolate etc for some movement etc. I'm sure basic animation effects could be achieved if you are creative with it.
You might want to check out TSB's method for using jpeg images as it might make the app smaller when sampled but it might also effect load time so I would try testing it. I have been doing a number of experiments with resizing images for animation by squashing them to 256/256 as a movie (from 320/480), importing, putting them in an actor, then resizing the actor. There is some image quality loss but it saves an enormous amount of memory.
You CAN use ANimate and put your images to create de illusion of a video.
I tried putting in an image sequence with audio to make it look like video, however, the file size turned out massive (even bigger than the original quicktime) and also kept on crashing when I put it on my phone which is a shame.
Export from QuickTime as image sequence.
Carefully choose how many frames per second.
See if you can get away with like 10 frames.
Then bring these into Photoshop and resize to the actual size you need,
again smaller is better.
Now export as PNG files and bring into GS.