March Financial Report

jsayshi1234jsayshi1234 Member, PRO Posts: 9
Hey Guys,
I was just wondering how accurate the march report is at this point? Currently it says I've only sold 350 units in the month of march, while in reality I am positive I've sold around 500. I am aware of the fiscal calender, so i'm not counting the last few days, but I'm just wondering if they're still updating because losing that money would be such a shame. Anyone elses report still kinda low?


  • mynameisacemynameisace Hull, UKMember Posts: 2,484
    Nope, all the sales are in for March now buddy, you must have calculated the wrong dates buddy.

  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @JSay: The discrepancy could be the end of the month's financials didn't go through, so it rolls over to the next month. Once you start getting consistent pay, you won't notice it, but for getting paid the first time, you will, but this has come up before, and for sure, it's the end of the months financials that roll over to the next. :)
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    you also have to take into account any promo codes you gave out, and like butterbean said some of the sales probably wont go threw till enxt month. If they use a credit card, you wont actually get the money for the sale till the credit cards billed. Some cards take a week or 2 before the charge will apearr
  • Michael WallenMichael Wallen Member, BASIC Posts: 18
    Does anyone know when April's financial reports will be available? I thought they become available at the end of each month.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    nope there available mid month for the month before. Around may 14 well be getting aprils reports
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