Determining promo codes from paid downloads in itunes connect

BarrytheBarrythe Member Posts: 82
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey all, when viewing my daily sales figures in itunes connect I am told how many paid and free apps I've sold daily, but how do I tell from the paid apps whether they were purchased or downloaded with a promo code? I've sent a lot of promos out this week so I'm now not sure whether my daily paid figue is actually sales or people checking these promos out. Any ideas? Cheers.


  • olster1olster1 Member Posts: 396
    All promo code downloads should have a little orange "P" next to them..... I think
  • BarrytheBarrythe Member Posts: 82
    Is that one the screen with the daily bar charts? I can't access any further financial reports yet as the app's only been on sale for 6 days. I can't see any orange "P"s on the daily screen anywhere, so I guess they're all paid downloads. Cheers.
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