Layers not working for me?!?!

justinclewis94justinclewis94 Member Posts: 4
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey so i'm making a simple game with a character, background image, and walls.
I was able to make it so that the camera follows the character and the background scrolls. I want the background to scroll while the walls dont scroll (so that you navigate the character around the walls without them moving along with them. The problem is that even though my walls are in a layer ABOVE the background, the background is still on top: covering the walls up. I dont get it.
Here are my layers

Layer 1
Layer 2

I only have 3, but when its like this. When i move "layer 2" above "layer 1" it covers the character and the walls, then i move it back to bellow "layer 1" it still covers the "walls" I DONT GET IT! PLEASE HELP!!!!


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