Spawn actor into different layer than spawner?

justinclewis94justinclewis94 Member Posts: 4
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I have a character, controls, and a wall. When the character hits the wall it spawns an actor. Here are my layers
Layer 1 (no scroll)
Layer 2 (scroll)
Layer 3 (no scroll)

I want it so that the actor that spawns when the character hits the wall is in FRONT of the controls. The character is the one i have set to spawn the actor. Is there any way to spawn into a different layer than the spawner? :\
Help Please!


  • justinclewis94justinclewis94 Member Posts: 4
    Never mind. I solved my own problem. I just made another layer and rearranged all of my actors.
    But I would still like to know if it is possible to spawn in another layer, so ill leave this as "un-resolved" for now.
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