Major Slowdown

SynstealSynsteal Member Posts: 32
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Initially I had spawners continually spawning actors and the actors were destroyed by the player. At a certain point the game slows down to a crawl. Others have suggested recycling methods to me and have implemented them however they have not solved the problem. As my game progresses the speed increases at determined(like every 1000 points) increments. After the fifth increase in speed everything slows down to that crawl. Does anyone know why it does this and how to fix it or know an alternative method of increasing the velocity? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.


  • SynstealSynsteal Member Posts: 32
    At the moment the scene contains no more than 22 actors at any given time. However I removed actors and tested it having no affect. From fiddling around it seams to me when the speed of the moving actor increases in accordance with the score the slow happens when the speed increases for the fifth time
  • SynstealSynsteal Member Posts: 32
    Figured it out. Had to add less than conditions to cancel out greater than conditions when they were no longer needed
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