Better way to check if actor is on the ground

Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey there,

I'm hoping someone smarter than I has a better solution to a rather simple problem.

I have an actor that runs along the ground. The actor jumps, the actor ducks, etc. I have behaviors saying that when the collision for the actor is touching the ground collision, set an attribute to 'true' to tell me that the actor is touching the ground. Simple enough.

The problem is that GS is very sensitive with this. It works well enough for flat, non moving surfaces, but I've recently added platforms that move at an angle, and the actor is rapidly touching then not touching the surface any longer. (it flickers at the speed of light between true/false)

So my question, does anyone have a more consistent way of checking if an actor is touching the ground?

Thanks for your help!


  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Sorry for the bump, I just wanted to send this to the top one more time with the hopes for an answer.

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