How many of us make a living out of gamesalad?
Hey guys.
Last week I bought pro and I'm starting to work 10-12 hours a day on GS. I was wondering how many devs in this forum are in my position. I took the leap to try to make amazing games full time and make a good living out it.
Regards to my fellow devs.
Last week I bought pro and I'm starting to work 10-12 hours a day on GS. I was wondering how many devs in this forum are in my position. I took the leap to try to make amazing games full time and make a good living out it.
Regards to my fellow devs.
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I'm 24 so I still got a couple of years until my parents kick me out of the house lol.
Sweepr: Simple. Fun. Addictive!
I have a 9-5 in the Design/Web Design business, and Freelance the same, and am now teaching myself GameSalad and working on some games for supplementary income. My 9-5 is the only way I can make a living right now, someday soon it would be nice to make enough money freelancing and on the App Store to quit the 9-5.
So how many people "make a living" on GameSalad according to my definition? TShirtBooth? I would guess. QuantumSheep? The ePig guy?
I would love to have an additional, nearly-passive, minimum-wage income. How much time to have to put in managing something like that after it's in the App Store? How much time do you spend marketing?
To me there is a difference between putting spending money in the pocket of a few students' versus being able to pay the mortgage every month.
Agreed. Some extra spending money is what I expect to get. Being able to make a living solely on GameSalad would take some luck and some mountain moving.
Yeah, I'm still a little leery of how weak the platform is, with posts where people are suggesting removing "eye-candy" because of size-limits... it sounds like just asking to remove the polish. Still trying to figure out how complex a game can be before implosion.
Now, I'm not going to jump in and start coding, as I'm a designer, not a programmer, and I don't have the time/motivation to teach myself how to code a game.
Im working on my next huge project that will be released before March 30, and thanks to what happeed with ePig Dash, will have a huge success, at least in Chile, I Will cover it for FREE in al Possible MEDIA!
But Now, Im rejecting a lot of other jobs, and dedicating full time to my ePigGames
GS is like any other programming platform; it only does what the coder tells it to do.
The only thing it's missing is some iOS features, it is an extremely stable programming platform that people who put half the work in and try blaming different things every week will keep moving on to different languages and never settle, always looking for something 'better' when it's the coder that needs to be 'better'.
As to getting more respect, if you have pro, nobody would ever know that a well coded GS app was created with GS.
Constraints really hurt performance, so if you pay attention how many of those you use, you should be able to do a lot without killing polish.
At the very least if you can't make a game on GS then you can't make a game with any other system.
GameSalad even with its limitations, is powerful enough to bring my ideas to life without any compromise so far. May be different for others.
This thread was part of what I was referencing.
Very pretty game.
But how do you know WHERE your project is out of control? I want lots of animation, and sound, and music. I understand to avoid constraints, but they have to be used to do certain stuff.