Opinions on Game Graphics
Hey! after a recent purchase of Tshritboot's Star Smasher template i have been working hard to turn it into my vision of the game. i'm not the best graphics artist in the world, however i've tried my hardest to create the best graphics i can instead of having to pay someone to do it. heres a screenshot of the game so far, (i hope this image works :S)
if you could please let me know what your thoughts of the graphics are, and in what ways i could improve them, it would be great!
thanks - hope to hear from you guys soon!
if you could please let me know what your thoughts of the graphics are, and in what ways i could improve them, it would be great!
thanks - hope to hear from you guys soon!

Overall very nice most of the elements seem very polished and I would probably buy the game!
Hope this helps.
And like PossesiveGaming said the hearts shouldn't have the dark edge, and definitely not the drop shadow.
But other than that, I like it.
Good luck!
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If you want a completely critical point of view, here goes
The blue background with the overlay texture looks great.
I have slightly different opinions to @PossesiveGaming though (because I'm awkward haha):
I think that the ladders are the best looking image on the screenshot and that you should try basing the rest of the artwork around pulling it closer to the look of the ladders.
I like the brick texture of the castle wall although not quite sure about the cement, possibly the stroke outline is a little too thick, but that is my personal preference.
The cannon-ball looks great, really gives the illusion of being in the foreground.
The wood looks too blurry, needs 'bringing forward' more, possibly not have any blur on the wood and what would be even better would be matching the wood to the way the ladders are now and blurring the ladders (very slightly) to make it look like it's set back and resting against the wall, with the wooden gem holders more in the foreground.
The gems look out of place slightly but I think that they will look more suited once the wood has being brought 'forward'.
Hearts look great but turn the drop shadow's opacity down a little, you want it so it's still 'above' the bad-guys but not such an extreme black shadow.
The pause button should be slightly bigger so that it is more easily 'tappable' and have the same drop shadow as the hearts.
The parachutes need the most work in my opinion; maybe add a little more detail and a little highlight to make it more shaped, like the cannon ball's light highlight for example.
This is subjective, obviously, it's just a list of things I would think about doing.
Hope that helps and that it wasn't too critical, just want you to succeed
Cool sky texture though.
reading all the great comments on here (even the bad ones xD) has made me more excited about game developing again
thanks again!