Why Oh Why?
Member Posts: 390
Hello GS'ers,
Why does it seem to be so hard to get a good jump in Gamesalad? I've got a character that goes left/right, and jumps. Only the jumps doesn't work properly, I've used interpolate, and all other methods, timers, the whole thing! The character just bounces up and down like he's having a fit or something, then when he jumps, and is jumping to the left or right, it's like he glides down. I could just float the entire level with out actually doing anything else. If anyone knows how I can stop this please let me know. I've got gravity on this one actor. When not on the ground motion line Y down 2000. If someone else, know's a better way please let me know, i've seen all the templates out there and none work! Thank you.
Why does it seem to be so hard to get a good jump in Gamesalad? I've got a character that goes left/right, and jumps. Only the jumps doesn't work properly, I've used interpolate, and all other methods, timers, the whole thing! The character just bounces up and down like he's having a fit or something, then when he jumps, and is jumping to the left or right, it's like he glides down. I could just float the entire level with out actually doing anything else. If anyone knows how I can stop this please let me know. I've got gravity on this one actor. When not on the ground motion line Y down 2000. If someone else, know's a better way please let me know, i've seen all the templates out there and none work! Thank you.
and wheenevr you want to jump, simply have a change attribute behavior changing its motion linear y to its motion linear y +200
When touch is pressed (or however you are triggering the jump) AND self.motion.linear velocity.y = 0
Change attribute self.motion.linear velocity.y to 700 (adjust this number to taste)
Also, as John said, have an accelerate down behaviour on the actor at 900 or whatever speed you want him to fall.
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