Shooting with Vector to angle (but hero rotation throws it off!)
I'm trying to have my hero shoot vector to angle where 2nd touch XY is...this works fine if the hero is not rotating but in my game the hero is constantly being rotated and the shots only come out of the front of him. This leads to people trying to shoot one direction but because the hero is facing the other direction it won't!
If you are recycling bullets then you could constrain the player rotation to a game attribute and when you change the bullets to the players position to be fired change the bullet rotation to match the player. and it should fire out in front of him either way.
Hope that helps you.
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@tenrdrmer, I'm spawning my bullets relative to my actor I said it can shoot in any direction if my actor is not moving or if the player fires the way my actor faces, but I want the player to be able to fire in any direction at ANY time, regardless of rotation, is there a way to negate the Hero's rotaton perhaps?