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CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Im new here but have been here long enough to get to T-shirtbooth and most of you. Before I came to the forums. I watched just about everyone of GameSalad CookBooks videos. I was stuck in the airport at 2 in the morning and couldnt sleep. I was trying to get home before my wife had our baby girl. After learning that Tshirtbooth actually sold tshirts and that Gamesalad has a store that sells some tshirts. I came up with a idea for a tshirt.. Now the image you are about to see has gamesalds logo in it. Im using it only as a presentation for this voting. This would probably have to approved by Tshirtbooth and Gamesalad. But I just wanted to pass the idea to the users of this fine software. Of coure now. Those who have been around long enough and those who have watched a number of his videos will understand the purpose of the shirt. So give me your honest opinion on this. Would this be a cool shirt?

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  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    I don't see your target audience here. No one here would buy it cause no one else here would have any goddam idea what you're talking about.
  • QuinnZoneStudiosQuinnZoneStudios Member Posts: 452
    This is great - but only TSB should be allowed to wear it, lol!
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    no audience... this mainly for the users to look at. If you have watched the videos long enough. You get the gest of the shirt. Im not actually serious about manufactoring it hahahaha....
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Hey I figured something out about this poll. It secretly shows you who how many here havent actually taken the time to watch alot of the videos. Because if you have seen more than 3 of his videos.. you would get the gest of the shirt.
  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Jeffnichols said:
    Hey I figured something out about this poll. It secretly shows you who how many here havent actually taken the time to watch alot of the videos. Because if you have seen more than 3 of his videos.. you would get the gest of the shirt.

    By the "How can you make an object collide" or "How do I store the high score of my game" or "How do I use a custom font" Kinda questions you see on the forums everyday. You can pretty much tell that 80% of the people here just jump to the software prior reading any documentation/watching the cookbook.

    What I said doesn't mean that I don't like to help them. It just proves your point.
  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    Maybe I should make a clause stating. If gamesalad uses this design in their store... They are agreeing to give me 1 discount of 25% to my next purchase of Pro. hahaha. JK.JK. ......................IM KIDDING....
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    I've watched close to all his videos, but I don't exactly get it so i'm not entirely sure what to vote on : )

    If you're using the GS logo for anything though you don't really need to consult T-shirt Booth about it as he's just a Dev like us so I think in terms of the GS logo you would have to enquire with Gamesalad directly.
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  • CaptFinnCaptFinn Member Posts: 1,828
    IM joking about the tshirt actually being made.
  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    For those of you that don't get it, the first tshirt is how tshirtbooth STARTS his videos EVERY time. The second tshirt is how he ends them EVERY time. the second tshirt is probably the back to the first one. Its just a joke.
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