Pause Screen?

11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I want a scene that is a pause screen. You press the pause button in mid-play and it takes you to another scene, pausing the previous scene until you come back to it unless you quit. Is there a way to do this easily?


  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    the pause scene behaviour
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Thanks! Wasn't aware of that behavior, mainly because I didn't expect such a function to have its own behavior.
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    It's a pretty new behavior.

    EDIT: actually, I think it used to exist then it was gone, and now it's back.
  • ApplaudAppsApplaudApps Member Posts: 308
    yeah its new. set up a new scene. Then use the pause behaviour to load it. everything pauses (except game.time). And use the unpause behaviour to remove the new overlay scene and go back to playing.
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