Freelance Composer and Sound Designer. (currently Offering Free Work)

DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
My name is Dan Bosley, as the title sugests, I'm a freelance composer and sound designer and is interested in helping out with projects you may have for free.
I'm working on building up my portfolio, for examples of my work, visit my Youtube page.

If you think I could be of help for your prject, drop me a message here, or on my twitter page.

--Edited Title to reflect the free service--tenrdrmer


  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Do you work for free for commercial games? I am making one in need of music that will cost $0.99. I give credit.

    If so, I would like some nice music for my game AntiMal, and some sound effects.
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    Right now yeah I work for free, so I'm more than happy to help out for free and do my best.
    What sort of game is AnitMal?
  • m456arcusm456arcus Member Posts: 189
    PM sent.
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    AntiMal is a high score game. The setting is the entrance to your iPhone's drive, where you, the AntiVirus, must make sure that no Malware get in. There are 12 types of Malware, each one based on a real type of Malware.

    The gameplay works like this. The Malware approach from the right side of the screen, looking like 8-bit images, and they attempt to reach the left side. If one Malware manages to reach the left side of the screen, you lose. You destroy the Malware by tapping them. Beware! Each type of Malware has its own unique traits, except for Adware. Spyware remain invisible, and as it reaches the left side of the screen it slowly fades in. Wabbits move very fast and have a zig-zag pattern. Exploits make a sharp turn when they approach. There are many other types as well, including the deadly Mother Virus.
    This screenshot was taken before I added a proper background, but it helps give you the idea.

    Now for my request. I have 2 song requests and several sound requests. For the song requests, I want one for the menu and one for gameplay. They should both sound technical and upbeat. The gameplay track should be much faster than the menu.

    Here is the list of sounds I want.

    -Destroying a Malware (small, technical burst, the sound you'll hear the most)
    -Losing (a short track that should sound depressing)
    -Achievement Get! (getting an achievement)
    -Destroying a Mother Virus (like Destroying a Malware, but louder, longer, and deeper)
    -Pressing a Button (for the menu)
    -Hurting a Malware (for the Malware that take more than one hit to destroy)

    All of the sound effects should sound technical.

    That is all!
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    Awesome, so you're looking for kinda an 8bit sound and music stuff to kinda suit the graphics, but of course more technical and fast paced to suit the feel of your game. Will get some sounds and music going soon.

    PM'd you and as discussed, will work on yours and get back to you soon.

    I'll let you how I'm getting on an will PM you. Due to other committments on top of this, all I ask is that you allow just a little bit of time, but I will get back to you.
    Thanks again for letting me do this for you guys!

  • 3d103d10 Member Posts: 471
    Can you help me with my game.I have a game ready to be published the only thing remaining is sound.Credits will be yours
  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102
    I'm after some Jungle beats for my new game.
    Please email me it's ready to go.
  • OctappusOctappus Member Posts: 68
    DanBosley said:
    interested in helping out with projects you may have for free

    Cool. Now all I need is a graphic designer to do the same . . . and a GS expert to do the coding . . . and someone creative to come up with a wicked idea . . . and an advertising and marketing agency to let everyone know!

    You can all contact me at lazy_arse@freeloading.bum

    Seriously, I've just been on your YouTube channel - your stuff is really good, so I hope I have something developed in time to take advantage of your really generous offer (otherwise I'm going to keep your details and begrudgingly pay you later!).


  • ozboybrianozboybrian PRO Posts: 2,102

    Advertise there.
    Or just like the page cause it would help me out : )
    255 members and over 22,000 post views each month.

  • DrawMeDrawMe Member Posts: 1
    Dan...private message sent.
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    Haha, thanks there Simon! I'm sure my offer of working for free will be around for a while!
    Thanks for checking out my YouTube page! And also thanks for listing me on Twitter! No doubt we shall be talking again in future ;D

  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    email at me at possesive.gaming(at)
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    I'm requesting for the progress on my request and an estimated time when the music and sounds will be done. Thanks!

    EDIT: Didn't see your PM. Sorry! I need to check my messages more often.
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    Haha, it's ok 11clock! Glad you get 'em ok and hope they're all good to use!
    Any problems, just message back.

    On to the next project!
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Thanks for the music, though one of the tracks has a problem with it. Message sent.
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    All sorted 11clock, PM sent.
    Working on m456arcus's projecy now but getting round to answering emails!

    So many requests! :D
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Thanks! My request is complete and you will be credited!

    Be on the lookout for the game AntiMal in the iPhone App Store! :D
  • DonQuantumDonQuantum Member Posts: 34
    I have an app that needs a music revision, 5 loops I worked on off, GBand, and two sound effect files, I can send you promo code for the app then you can hear it yourself to revise. or I can send you the files. let me know.
  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Hey, need one or two tracks for my upcoming game. Contact me at possesive.gaming(at)



    Sorry forgot I had already posted hear!
  • CutOutGamesCutOutGames Member Posts: 30
    I've sent a PM your way.
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    Still answering messages, thanks for being patient if your still waiting for responses

  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    You can view my portfolio here:

    And also when I'm able to get videos of projects:
  • 11clock11clock Member Posts: 450
    Just to let you know, I PMed you.
  • CutOutGamesCutOutGames Member Posts: 30
    I recently received my music and SFX requests from Dan, and it was better than I had originally envisioned it! Dan is absolutely great to work with, and I will definitely be using his services again for my next project.

    You're awesome, DanBosley!
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    8bit stuff is going up now for whoever is looking for that sort of thing! ;D
  • NachozNachoz Member Posts: 52
    I could definatly use some background music for my game, currently it only has 8 bit sound effects, here is a link to the game:

    If you have time id really appreciate it if you could throw a track together

  • guillefaceguilleface Member Posts: 1,014
    hey are you still doing free work? if not what are your prices? iam working on a horizontal airplane shooter game,7 levels
  • DanBosleyDanBosley Member Posts: 28
    Still offering free work, but also accepting donations to keep the work flowing :)
  • GamePizzaGamePizza Member, PRO Posts: 227
    the antimal trailer is nice!! Good work!!
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