Juicy Qs

monXtermonXter Member Posts: 2
Yes, these questions are dripping with n00bieisms. I haven't actually published a game yet, but I have 2 questions after recently buying a Game Salad game from the app store. First question: Does the 'made with Game Salad' splash screen appear on all games made with GS? and Second question: Can I view and edit the actual objective C or Cocoa Touch code used to produce the game? Thanks for reading. Let me know if you know.


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    1) If you buy pro for 499 then you get to put your own splash screen and the gamesalad one wont be there. Its always there if your a free member though

    2) Nope

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