Why Do Sprites Have Colour Behind them?

I was wondering as now I have many sprites I am going to use in my new game, why do they have colour behind them?
Everywhere you see them they have for example a bright green or blue or pink background behind them. Whats the reason for this?
I need my sprites with transparent backgrounds and its going to take me an absolute age to change this, I have hundreds. Just wondering. Thanks.
I was wondering as now I have many sprites I am going to use in my new game, why do they have colour behind them?
Everywhere you see them they have for example a bright green or blue or pink background behind them. Whats the reason for this?
I need my sprites with transparent backgrounds and its going to take me an absolute age to change this, I have hundreds. Just wondering. Thanks.

I have noticed that, when I create a bitmap on my PC, it is not transparent on the iPhone even though it is transparent on GS. When I load and simply save it again on the Mac it is fixed. This is a long shot but perhaps it helps.
Use selection tool and select the tree like in image linked above for example. Then go Select > Color Range. Here with the eye dropper select the colour you want to remove and click Ok. Then goto Select > Inverse Selection and press Delete. Done!
Not great but does the job. Thanks guys.
And Scitunes you didn't like Game Maker?! Man I loved that program.
@Kahanejosh - In photoshop click on bucket. Towards top of screen but under the main bar you should see a pulldown menu that probably says "normal". Change that to "clear". then click on the background you want to get rid of.