Interesting App Store gaming news stories

Smuggle Truck Immigration Game Makes Cosmetic Changes, Crosses iTunes Border
Shameless Super Mario Bros. Rip-Off Hits The App Store
How one game managed to get in to the App Store by changing their game, and how a game that never should've made it in to the App Store did.
Shameless Super Mario Bros. Rip-Off Hits The App Store
How one game managed to get in to the App Store by changing their game, and how a game that never should've made it in to the App Store did.
-disclaimer: no offense to any air traffic controllers, with exception to air traffic controllers who sleep on the job, or watch movies 'n' stuff."-
Yeah, it's 'cause of all the press. Everyone is saying "get it while you can".
He'll make a few thousand bucks and Apple will kick the game out. For sure.