Odd illustrator problem

fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
I have my character in illustrator. I have it sliced. I copy the whole slice/artwork and paste it and alter the arwork slightly (in this case, just the eyes) i do this 8 times. So now i have 8 slices all with the same exact artwork and position except for the eyeballs. I save for web, i name each slice (x_1, x_2, x_3 etc...) now when its played back in GS, the pngs move a hair and makes my character look like he is shivering or something. So i open up all 8 pngs and sure enough each one is just a hair off from each other. Has this happened to anyone else?


  • DreamLabDreamLab Member Posts: 2,127
    When you save for web and devices it does that. if you position them just a bit off they stay like that. I only save for web and devices on my animations.
  • fzeedfzeed Member Posts: 247
    So, how am i supposed to do this then? They should all be in the same position since they all have same slice box and i didn't move anything around in the slice box.
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