actor always face another actor?

rlehmrlehm Member Posts: 320
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have an actor that comes into the scene from the top. I want him to always point(aim) at the actor at the bottom as he slowly leaves the scene. Everything I've tried seems to not go as planned. Any advice? I searched the free templates and searched the forum.. I think there is probably a demo like this, but I must be using bad search terms.


  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    Lets call the actors actor 1 (facer) and actor 2 (one who's being faced)

    Ok. So in actor 1, put in a constrain attribute behavior and constraint the attribute [self.rotation] to [VectorToAngle(Actor1X-Actor2X,Actor1Y-Actor2Y)]

    If that makes him face 90 or 180° off, add or subtract 90 or 180 and keep trying that kind of thing until it works.
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