Question about touching (changing image, like buttons)

paulofuertespaulofuertes Member Posts: 24
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello GS

My question about this is:

Can I make like the Level Select template (with the backgrounds, level boxes -1,2,3..-, etc) and then make a button (apart) with the effect of touch, and then make an invisible actor on the level 1 box, and when someone touches it, make the other button (the apart one, touch) appear?
Or do I need to make just the backgrounds and 2 buttons (normal and touch)

I am about to do this, but I dont want to waste time if this is not possible (the first thing I said)

PS: Sorry for my english :p

And thanks in advance.


  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362
    You can make things appear if you change self.color.alpha from 0 to 1. You can't change the visible checkbox in game, but using alpha works just as well.
  • paulofuertespaulofuertes Member Posts: 24
    yeah, but I want it to be like, when isnt touch, its normal, when it is touched, changes image while it is in touch, and when I release the touch, it comes back to normal.. any idea? I read about the turn on/off guides about music, but not the same, since those stays on the image until clicked again.

    so again, Can I make it with a background.png with several "buttons" (just drawed), and have another button.png and make an invisible actor on one of the buttons and when touched, appears my button.png and when released, put the normal background.png?
  • paulofuertespaulofuertes Member Posts: 24
    well nevermind, I will do it the long way, with a simple background and adding the 2 button sequences.
  • AsymptoteellAsymptoteell Member Posts: 1,362

    Sorry. I misinterpretted the problem.
    In the one you touch: When touch is pressed on one, change a game attribute to 1.
    In the one that becomes visible: When game attribute is 1, make visible.
    In the one you touch: When touch is released, change the game attribute to 0
    In the one that becomes visible: When game attribute is 0, make invisible.


    If that wasn't the problem, I'll see if I can help with whatever you are having trouble with.
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