Collidable actor
Member Posts: 13
is there any way that I can create an actor that is collidable, but not with instances of itself?
is there any way that I can create an actor that is collidable, but not with instances of itself?
for examle
a car, is collidable and is in collidable group 1
walls are collidable and also collidable group 1
I want the car to collide with these walls. I do not want the car to collide with other instances of this car.
You should be able to just change the collision group number to '2' for the cars and have them collide with group '1'(walls). Set the cars so that they do not collide with group '2'(cars).
That should work. Let us know if that does the trick.
- danrel
how do you set that?
Its should work for now, but there are still some issues that we are working out.