Why aren't more people quitting their jobs!!?

RodrigoPerezRodrigoPerez Member Posts: 212
Ok I was just thinking about this, and want the communities thoughts..What if an indie dev that does all the work himself made 100 decent quality games(not shovelware) that each made 1-2 sales on average per day. According to my math at the very least you'd make $100-$200 per day and that's using very conservative sales numbers. I'm not fooling myself here I know it'd take 3-4 years to make 100 decent games but it seams pretty foolproof that eventually you'd get to the point where you could get out of the rat race. What do you think?


  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    that might be true.. but unless you have greaaaaaat games (which will take bout 2-6 months to make) it is very hard that you will still get sales from games that are 2 years old.. Heck even with a good app you can get 0 sales after 2 weeks of launch, unless your app gets promoted.

    Also I'm pretty sure working by yourself without the help of artist or other coders its impossible to make 100 apps in 3-4 years. Best case scenario working by yourself and VERY hard like 13-15 hours a day you can make a good decent app (one that will keep selling beyond the first month) in 3-4 weeks. so you would need at least 300-400 weeks. that's like 7-8 years and not counting updates (that you will need) for your apps. Also those are 8 years of not having a single holiday or day off Or family time etc.

    To tell you the truth no one will buy a game that is 8 years old and was made for iphone 4 when at the time it would be iphone 12, so you would probably just keep selling the games you made the last 6-12 months.

    So instead of making a 100 apps concentrate in making 4-8 a year that are really great.
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    39 more days...

  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    Don't quit your day job, weekend warrior it up instead and build quality games that you yourself would want to play, and then go from there.
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