Anyone else get lonely making games?
By the time I get making games, I find that my friends and family dont want to hear about it.
The more complicated the game or development progress passes the point that it would take a long time to explain things I just give up on it.
I work directly in media research and I am surrounded by seeming intelligent people but when they ask about a games progress I just smile and give a simple answer. Knowing if I open that can of worms its going to turn into a long conversation. And if I do they look at me like I am a freak or something. haha
I was just wondering if I am alone here with these experiences or has anyone else have the same experiences?
Break time is over back to work !
I look forward to everyone thoughts on this )
The more complicated the game or development progress passes the point that it would take a long time to explain things I just give up on it.
I work directly in media research and I am surrounded by seeming intelligent people but when they ask about a games progress I just smile and give a simple answer. Knowing if I open that can of worms its going to turn into a long conversation. And if I do they look at me like I am a freak or something. haha
I was just wondering if I am alone here with these experiences or has anyone else have the same experiences?
Break time is over back to work !
I look forward to everyone thoughts on this )
With my last game ePig Dash, I told everyone that would be top 1 at least in Chile and that I Will appear in News, Noeone Belive me! Off Course.
BUt it happened!
Now they start believing one me, and Tomorrow we will celebrate the birthday of one of my cousins, and All family want to see the advance of my next project,
Which is why it's nice to have someone else invested in the project, Artists like Basil for Air Supply, Ian for Kraken, or Mr. Funkleberry for Air Supply SOS!
Also, my friend Jake co-created Gravitrixx with me - I do miss working with him, as we had a lot of fun, and it was great to have some help on a project!
We do still chat lots as he's working on Project Red for Quantum Sheep, while I work on other stuff.
So yeah - it can be kinda isolating - but having people around you that want to help/get stuck in is a big advantage!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I would love to chat on and on for hours about it, but I know it can reach a saturation point with some people, so that's what QS, Tshirtbooth, and other devs are here for! I love hearing about new projects, so skype me anytime if you want to talk "Shop"
Also, I don't tell many people about this though sometimes, I will make a change attribute joke just to see if, by chance, anyone I'm with also uses it. No one ever does.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Sick of boring people with my GS jiberish