resetting all actors after pressing REPLAY on the PAUSE SCENE
when my main character dies, about 4 actors are destroyed with it at the same time. so then if I press pause, which takes me to the pause scene and press replay to take me back to the game scene to start again all the destroyed actors are still destroyed. how do I reset it all back again.??
when my main character dies, about 4 actors are destroyed with it at the same time. so then if I press pause, which takes me to the pause scene and press replay to take me back to the game scene to start again all the destroyed actors are still destroyed. how do I reset it all back again.??
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But im doing good until I get to...
If resetscene is true then reset actors. there is no reset actors behaviour?
what was you referring to there?
So have a rule like:
if attribute game.resetMyScene = 1
Reset Scene
After 0.1 seconds change game.resetMyScene to 0
Ive got my actors all resetting now.. but my life hearts in the corner are not.
I have 3 hearts using the replicate behaviour.. how can I get them back to three once the level is over??
just put a change attribute game.lives to 3 for the first behaviour