This project is now open to the public! Open to everyone who can contribute This is a HUGE project! Now to do this we must work as a community. Here's what you need to do:
1) Make a great mini game that's extremely low memory but great performance 2) Get together with an artist (tell artist how we will promote them but they must do the job for free) 3) Do Step #2 with a composer 4) Make the ultimate game! 5) Submit your finished mini game to 6) Submit What You Want Me To Advertise (Your Game(s), Your Artist's Work, Your Composer's Work, etc.) 7) We will publish your game in our next arcade, with links to you and your artist(s) & composer(s)! 8) More downloads on your apps, & your artists & composers apps! 9) Enjoy the extra $$$ 10) Next Gen Entertainment simply says "you're welcome"
They will submit it to the website & we will include it in an arcade box. With links and promotions of your app. If you would like to pay an artist that is no problem either, since it does "show off" your game as a better game.
Guys I am looking for a web designer & an artist to help on our amazing website to hopefully come out next month. If interested please email me at
I'm the Web Developer, I'll be on skype tonight at 9 with @NextGenEntertainment to share what has been done so far with the website and to get input/feedback.
Are you selling the minigames on the appstore or just on the website?
Thank you,
Thank You,
Next Gen Entertainmeni
Next Gen Entertainment
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
skypename: danlthemanl
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog
Cheers, Weswog