"Size zero" Bug using small .png images

StuartYStuartY Member Posts: 134
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys,

This isn't a plea for help, but rather something I came across that I wanted to document for other unfortunate users. When working with a .png image of 1 pixel width or height (e.g tiling a gradient to save space) it's possible for a showstopper of a bug to occur. Everything looks fine in the preview window, but on compiling your game to run on iOS, you'll get a crash to desktop and an error message.

Thankfully, I was able to go through this message and guess what some of the text ("size 0 image") in it meant, then figure out what it was referring to. Somewhere along the way, your tiny image gets mistaken for having no dimensions at all. The fix is just to make it a pixel or two wider/higher.

Anyone else encountered this?



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