Photoshop help
I need some help from people who knows Photoshop (especially Elements version):
1. Is there a way to change the way the stright line is drawing? Now it is a strange empty outline, and drawing in the way like this is uncomfortable while drawing pixel art lines, where you have to be sure that there is one pixel up and two right.

2. While drawing with antialiasing on, the lines are pretty ugly:

Is there any way to improve that?
Thank you very much!
I need some help from people who knows Photoshop (especially Elements version):
1. Is there a way to change the way the stright line is drawing? Now it is a strange empty outline, and drawing in the way like this is uncomfortable while drawing pixel art lines, where you have to be sure that there is one pixel up and two right.

2. While drawing with antialiasing on, the lines are pretty ugly:

Is there any way to improve that?
Thank you very much!
So I just want to achive the same drawing effect.
2. Please take a look on the longest diagonal line in the second picture. Is pretty ugly, isin't it? Because of these sharp edges. And I want it to be more smooth.
So are you going for a clean line effect like vectors or pixelated look? If vector than use the Pen tool, if you want the pixel look you'll have to use the pencil with no antialiasing and in the image interpolation preferences, switch it to Nearest Neighbour or maybe bicubic sharper so that when you scale it, it still stays in form.
The second point is solved, actually lines look alright when zoom is set to 100%
That's definitely a weird way to go about making art in PS.