debug tool and other ideas...
Trace statements w/ output viewer window (does this already exist and i'm just not aware?)
Disable/Enable blocks via checkbox (should reduce the alpha of the box and change it's color)
Syntax checker for Expression Editor (I just spent 2 hours chasing down a missing comma)
Allow whitespace in Expression Editor.
Allow wrapping in Expression Editor so that we can write complex multi-line expressions.
More math functions
Preview window in separate window so that it can be running constantly while changing the code and seeing effects immediately.
And #1: Performance! Performance! Performance! I know it's only beta so I understand that premature optimization is the death of things. But when it's time, I know your brilliant minds can figure out how to unleash the full potential of the iPhone!
Great tool, a lot of fun
Disable/Enable blocks via checkbox (should reduce the alpha of the box and change it's color)
Syntax checker for Expression Editor (I just spent 2 hours chasing down a missing comma)
Allow whitespace in Expression Editor.
Allow wrapping in Expression Editor so that we can write complex multi-line expressions.
More math functions
Preview window in separate window so that it can be running constantly while changing the code and seeing effects immediately.
And #1: Performance! Performance! Performance! I know it's only beta so I understand that premature optimization is the death of things. But when it's time, I know your brilliant minds can figure out how to unleash the full potential of the iPhone!

Great tool, a lot of fun