Menu with level unlock attribute.. PLEASE HELP.!!
Good afternoon, I have build a double screen size menu with 42 levels. Everything is build on the back end just like Tshirtbooth built in his video tutorial "Multiscreen Menus Part 3". Basically I have 42 levels, when one is completed successfully the next unlocks. I am having trouble getting the unlock attribute to do what I want. As of right now I have a rule that says when "level end" collides with "main actor", change attribute -> game.unlock to game.unlock+1 -- What happens is if I retry game level 1 and successfully complete it over and over again, the unlock attribute will keep adding 1 and future levels will unlock. What can I do to make it so that future levels don't unlock when a single level in successfully completed over and over again?
Then in your actor add to your end rule
If self.LevelNumber is greater than or equal to game.unlock
That way it will only add to the level unlock if you are on a level higher than the game.unlock attribute.
Project Help from Tenrdrmer Click Here
GS BubbleBall Template HERE!!
Stacks Level Selection Template HERE!!
Expanding Option Menu Template HERE!!
Tenrdrmer's Menu # 3 HERE!!
Menu #4 - Level Banners HERE!!
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Thank you so freakin much. I've only been with game salad for two weeks so every issue seems catastrophic. This was my last hurdle in the framework of my game (hopefully). Thanks for the quick reply.