actor size , very important!! ****
Hey there everyone,
I'm making a game, where I got a little problem that I can't figure out..
I have 2 actors.. The first one is 50x20 (actor1), the other is 70x40 (actor2)..
Now what I want to do is:
When actor 1 gets bigger (change size behavior - already done that), and reaches the size of actor 2 (70x40), I need to have the possibility to destroy actor 2...
How can I make this work??
THNX in advance!
I'm making a game, where I got a little problem that I can't figure out..
I have 2 actors.. The first one is 50x20 (actor1), the other is 70x40 (actor2)..
Now what I want to do is:
When actor 1 gets bigger (change size behavior - already done that), and reaches the size of actor 2 (70x40), I need to have the possibility to destroy actor 2...
How can I make this work??
THNX in advance!
actor 1:
create a rule.
when self.size.width > 70 AND self.size.height > 40
sizereached = true
actor 2:
when sizereached = true
(here put what would you like to happen once actor 1 reaches actor 2 size)
Do I have to add change attribute to use sizereached = true at the rule: when ALL conditions are valid: attribute, self.size.width IS GREATER THEN (>) 70 ??
And do I have to hit the (+) plus button under? And add the other attribute 40 ??
And what do I have to do at actor 2? the same as actor 1 ?
Go to
This is what I mean, if my actor gets to the size of the actor wich is greather then the smallest fish, it has to grow to the size of the bigger fish and then I will have the possibility to eat the fish that's bigger then the size of my character.
I hope you understand what i mean, just play it, and you will understand what I mean..
Ace for
And i did the interpolate behavior but the actor grows when it spawned, and stays at 70x40 format...
Do you have multiple actors needing to grow?
I really need it badly, cuz i cant do something else right now..
- Jeff