How to revive a dead game?
Hi guys,
my first game had no download after the first week of release till now.
I am still waiting for an update of the game with renewed graphics to be reviewed and approved. Meanwhile is there anyway to make my game noticeable again?
my first game had no download after the first week of release till now.
I am still waiting for an update of the game with renewed graphics to be reviewed and approved. Meanwhile is there anyway to make my game noticeable again?
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But i'm gonna go a different route with my advice. Take a step back and look at your game as a whole and ask yourself, is it actually a good game. What can you improve? and make it better.
If you believe its as good as it can be. Then let it go and move on to a new project. there is way to much competition on the app store to stay stuck on a failed project. Take what you have learned from this one and make a new better game. don't waste your time trying to weasel a couple extra sales out of a game that is likely not up to par with others. Start Fresh and make something better. I mean no offense by this its just my honest advice.
Im actually surprised Apple doesn't require and update or to pull the app after a period of no sales. That would be a really nice way to knock down some of the competition cause you are not going to keep producing update for 1 or 2 sales. meaning less apps on the app store.
Good luck man.
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