Do I need wifi to test on my iOS device?

jb15jb15 Member Posts: 602
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I just watched this excellent video: (how to setup GS viewer on your device by tshirtbooth).

It was very helpful (no way I could've done it myself) but to my horror I noticed that when it was installed on my device it mentioned a wifi connection.

That's bad news--I purposely purchased a ipod touch that didn't have working wifi, thinking I could save some money and still make apps.

Do I need wifi? Or is there another way?


  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Yes you need wifi the original time that sucks man sorry :(

    Quality Game Making Service
  • jb15jb15 Member Posts: 602

    It might take me a few days to get over the shock... but after the new one comes I'm sure I'll get back into it.

  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Is there any way you could simply return it & buy a new ipod touch?
  • jb15jb15 Member Posts: 602
    Huh? No, I can't return it. I bought it as-is. I'll just sell it, and get a new (to me) one. Do you know if I need a 3rd gen? Or will a 2nd gen do?
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Well here's the thing, games play different on all generations. It's best to get the newest device which is what I recommend. Always before you publish your game, get it beta tested by people with all different types of devices. It makes a difference!


    If you need help email me at
  • jb15jb15 Member Posts: 602
    Thanks for your help. You've answered all my quesitons. I'll get at least a 3rd gen. Thanks again.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    NextGenEntertainment said:
    Well here's the thing, games play different on all generations. It's best to get the newest device which is what I recommend.

    wrong. Its always best to have every device you want to ruin on for testing, but if you can only get one for now you get the lowest device you plan to run on. Just cause somethign runs great on a iphone 4 it can still crash on a 3gs, 3g, or 2g

    but if you build something and it runs good on 2g, you can be sure itll run good if not better on the newer devices.

    And also somome mentioned the other day you dont need wifi to run the viewer, ill search for the thread
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    No problem, anytime. Glad To Help
    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Actually that's a good way to think about it :) Start with the 2nd Gen, but it's always best to have different types of generations
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    You Can crate a Wifi Connection from your Mac to Your Device, Without having a router or Internet Access.
    Just click Wifi Icon, And Create a Network.

  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    No he's saying the iPod itself will not reach Wifi (broken).

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    NextGenEntertainment said:
    No he's saying the iPod itself will not reach Wifi (broken).

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service

    oops, didn't read all stuff. Lol.
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    lol ok, congratulations on ePig btw :)

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • AppsRacKAppsRacK Member Posts: 346
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    wrong. Its always best to have every device you want to ruin on for testing, but if you can only get one for now you get the lowest device you plan to run on. Just cause somethign runs great on a iphone 4 it can still crash on a 3gs, 3g, or 2g

    but if you build something and it runs good on 2g, you can be sure itll run good if not better on the newer devices.

    And also somome mentioned the other day you dont need wifi to run the viewer, ill search for the thread


    If it works on iPod 1st or 2nd gen you'll be more confident it will work on higher gen. Good thing i have a 1st gen iPod. A game maybe choppy when you play it but as long as it would not crash it's good to go.
  • HymloeHymloe Member Posts: 1,653
    Do you guys find the framerate, and general timing of the game changes much between different generations of devices?

    If you run it great on an old device, is there the chance that it'll run too fast on a new device?

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