continuing music from scene to scene

snowstormsnowstorm Member Posts: 51
so i have a music file i like, and i inserted it into my game and i want the music to continue from scene to scene without stoping. so how do i do that?


  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    nothing, as long as you dont put the stop music behavior, you should be fine :)

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • snowstormsnowstorm Member Posts: 51
    and i have one more question, i found some songs i like on the internet, and i have them downloaded to my compter. and gamesalad will not let me put them in my game. i'm not sure if they have to be a certain file type or something, so... what should i do?
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    are the songs downloadable? Put them into itunes, then use them. Should work then :)


    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • snowstormsnowstorm Member Posts: 51
    ok, so when i finish one scene and it goes on to the next scene it still resets
  • snowstormsnowstorm Member Posts: 51
    thats the problem, theres no way i can get them onto itunes from the internet.
    is the only way to get them onto itunes from the internet?
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    it seems like you put the play song or whatever on both scenes. You must leave it on the 1st scene only & loop it if you want.

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • snowstormsnowstorm Member Posts: 51
    ok, so that worked . but now theres a different problem, when the scene resets the music stops totally, and you can't start it again unless you go back to te first scene. so what i want to do is make it like zombie drop where the music never stops no matter what you do.
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    well in zombie drop he saved the original x & y positions of each actor, when the "reset button is pressed" he simply changes all the actor positions back to original spots & changes score. Its simple :)

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • snowstormsnowstorm Member Posts: 51
    ok, got that problem solved, and now for the other one. do you know if downloading music off the internet onto itunes is the only way to get it onto itunes? or can you get it onto itunes if you have it on your desktop?
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    snowstorm said:
    ok, got that problem solved, and now for the other one. do you know if downloading music off the internet onto itunes is the only way to get it onto itunes? or can you get it onto itunes if you have it on your desktop?

    Just create a new playlist in iTunes then drag the music files into that playlist.


    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

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