Need Help with attribute Question! Please

NatJ3NatJ3 Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Tech Support
After my actor changes its attribute to two i can't seem to change it back to attribute one with the same actor as i changed the attribute to two???

Please comment on this question, i need an answer!!!!


  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    I'm sorry could you explain more please?

    GameSalad Community Project
    Quality Game Making Service
  • NatJ3NatJ3 Member Posts: 3
    My main actor has a change attribute>game.Integer to 1 under that I have a rule>attribute=1. In that rule I have a move behavior setting it at a 90 degree angle when touch is pressed. so it will move up.

    Okay so say I wanted to change that to a reverse where he would move down instead, I added another rule under the previous rule to say that when attribute=2 move down at a 270 degree angle.

    well I set that then made another actor (power up), I went into that actor and put a rule>when overlaps or collides with main actor change attribute to 2

    How can I get the main character to change back to attribute one after it touches this power up twice?
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