GS Game Didn't Update Icon
I published my game to GameSalad, but for some reason it didn't include the icon on the page, even though I gave it an icon. Now I'm trying to resubmit my game, and it's taking forever to republish the game. It's been uploading for the past 10 minutes.
GameSalad Community Project
Quality Game Making Service
GameSalad Community Project
Quality Game Making Service
that only chnages whats displayed in the appstore, not what shows on the device. So its irelevant if testing a adhoc
Note: I noticed that AntiMal isn't counted towards my list of games. If you check my profile, it will say that I have 0 games. I was even able to become a follower of myself.
and the stuff on your profile is only for when you publsih to the website
if your talkign about the icon thats on the actual .app file that you get after you publish , thats always the same and doesnt change to your game icon
this is a case where a picture is worth a 1000 words. Please post a screenshot of what you are talking about, i don't think many people know what you mean
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If your publishing for iphone the icon your talking about doesnt even matter cause you wont even get a link to a page like that. Youll just select the icon when publishing and thats the one you see on the iphone when you install the app
Is the game playable in the link? Doesn't load for me.
Can it be removed?