** I found a good Promotion Technique to use **
I used the 1000 app promotion package for $50 from the below site.
I am seeing great results and nearly have my $50 back after just over a week. I think my earnings will continue too.
I suggest you try this for your apps, there is a $4 package too which may work just as well. Good luck folks, keep making those great Gamesalad apps ;-)
I am seeing great results and nearly have my $50 back after just over a week. I think my earnings will continue too.
I suggest you try this for your apps, there is a $4 package too which may work just as well. Good luck folks, keep making those great Gamesalad apps ;-)
This discussion has been closed.
It seems really very cheap. The presence of Google AdSense on their site brings them about $40 per month - i.e. they have too few clients.
FYI iSpreadNews.com iphone app promotion package costs $165 for 386 sites, but the announce is sent by email and by manually filling contact forms on the news sites.
I'm always lurking somewhere nearby....
Anyway, just thought I'd pop up to say, Brad, ("MrBloggy",) firstly, your page is down. Secondly, you shouldn't tell lies - it's bad for your health.
Took all of 2 minutes to link the site back to you.
*Peach casts Vanish! It's super effective!*
Just my 2 cents...
I did not say I did not own the site or its services.
Yes of course I do. I did not pay for my service, I merly tested my own $50 service and found it to work very well indeed!
The presence of Google AdSense on mysite is an obvious choice to any webmaster as its a little extra auto income. How much of a marketing noob are you! I wont follow and purchase your service link, I trust my own work, Its for real!
@The rest of you
Dont be shy, try the cheap service if you cant afford to promote your app. We live in a world where you must advestise to get sales. If you dont and your app is !@#$% then you will die with the rest of them. Dont leave it to chance. This works.
You would have been much better off telling the truth to begin with.
I dont know what is wrong with you guys. I offer a service to help you all. All you can do is flame it.
Wel good luck to you all. Was just trying to help you all make money from your apps. Good luck on your own.
What's wrong with you guys!?!
He comes here trying to get you to pay for something with dubious returns and you shun him?1? Dispicable!11!
What's wrong with *us*?
You start a thread claiming to have "found" a new promotion technique. Which then, it turns out, is one you've concocted yourself to try and sell to others.
So, you're intentions are dishonest from the start, and you want us to send you money?
You then use the cheapest tactic in the book - scaremongering - to try and convince people it's still a great idea: No. You're effectively saying 'if your app is !@#$%, you need to advertise it.' We live in a world where you can't polish a turd, I'm afraid. Where advertising is actually *not* working - just ask any dev that wasted money on advertising. Or maybe the guy who made Tiny Wings - who spent NOTHING on marketing at all. Or Apple, whose iAds system actually isn't helping devs at all really unless they already have massive downloads.
Or ask people here - like Joe, who spent $20 sending a press release out via PRMac and has made more money than god thanks to Grisly Manor. Or tshirtbooth, or Butterbean - other successful devs that haven't had to resort to your scheme.
And they make a lot more than $50 in a week, believe me.
I think there would be something seriously wrong with *anyone* here if they took you up on your offer.
Thanks for taking part everyone! Thread closed!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
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