Which would you buy
Hello GS'ers,
I have a random question for everyone, I've got a chance to either by a 27" iMac for $350 (Brand New), or a 1st generation iPad 3g 16gb for $330. Which would you guys buy? I'm leaning towards the iMac, but I don't have an iPad to use for Development right now. I would like to start building for the iPads though. Any insight would be great, thanks everyone.
I have a random question for everyone, I've got a chance to either by a 27" iMac for $350 (Brand New), or a 1st generation iPad 3g 16gb for $330. Which would you guys buy? I'm leaning towards the iMac, but I don't have an iPad to use for Development right now. I would like to start building for the iPads though. Any insight would be great, thanks everyone.
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Seriously, get the iMac. If you want an iPad, get the new one, it's a big improvement over the first generation.
Is it a recent generation iMac? That's insane.
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