My submarine looks like new even when it is destroyed.
Hello everybody:
I have a submarine that has 7 points of life. The submarine is divided in 7 parts. Each part has an actor. Every time it gets hit it loses a life and one of the 7 parts its supposed to become dark.
The problem is that I don't want part # 1 to always be part # 1 and part #2 to be part #2 and so on. So I created an attribute that say when this happens change submarine to random(1,7). If it is 1 part #1=1, part #2=2 and so on. If it is 2 part #1=2 and so.
I can't get the parts to become dark. After the submarine is destroyed it still looks like new.
What can I do to achieve this.
I have a submarine that has 7 points of life. The submarine is divided in 7 parts. Each part has an actor. Every time it gets hit it loses a life and one of the 7 parts its supposed to become dark.
The problem is that I don't want part # 1 to always be part # 1 and part #2 to be part #2 and so on. So I created an attribute that say when this happens change submarine to random(1,7). If it is 1 part #1=1, part #2=2 and so on. If it is 2 part #1=2 and so.
I can't get the parts to become dark. After the submarine is destroyed it still looks like new.
What can I do to achieve this.
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EDIT: Then just do a change image behavior to go with each hit point value.
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