Spawn in other layer OR actor follow player ?
How can i spawn my actors in another layer ? if not possible then..
I have an actor at the top right corner, and a player that has a camera control, how can i make it so that when the player moves up (jumping on platforms) the spawner moves up too ?
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I have an actor at the top right corner, and a player that has a camera control, how can i make it so that when the player moves up (jumping on platforms) the spawner moves up too ?
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I don't think you understand, i have the player moving. its the actor, or, 'spawner' that i want to move UP the screen with the actor?
Also no you cannot spawn into another layer other than having a spawner in the other layer that spawns based on an attribute triggering the spawn. I'm guessing thats what is you have going on now. Although you may have to do something like constrain self.position.y to and leave the layer scrollable. Cause anything you spawn in an un-scrollable layer will also not be affected by the camera movement.
Difficult, cumbersome, but I'm thinking it might be possible. The trick is keeping the game optimized so that the player doesn't notice the switching... and carrying any necessary data between respawned actors.