Hello Gamers! I am a NEWbie and want to say Hi for everybody!

I am very new here in GS and am feeling a little dumb cause looks like that even GS being a "drag`n drop" program I do not get to feel comfortable working with it!!
Sure because I do not know anything about "the coding" yet...I mean, the system in general. So I would love to know if there are someone else in this "boat" as me...feeling that it is very difficult to get working with.
Btw I still think about buying/upgrading as a Pro member as I am a Graphic Designer by profession...and so the part of the "gameart" I would be okay but the "program" area...this one is hard for me yet.
So, hello for all folks and hope to be here as long as this "coding" idea shines as one of my targets!
PS: Sorry about my English skills as I am a Brazilian-Portuguese native speaker.
I am very new here in GS and am feeling a little dumb cause looks like that even GS being a "drag`n drop" program I do not get to feel comfortable working with it!!

Btw I still think about buying/upgrading as a Pro member as I am a Graphic Designer by profession...and so the part of the "gameart" I would be okay but the "program" area...this one is hard for me yet.
So, hello for all folks and hope to be here as long as this "coding" idea shines as one of my targets!

PS: Sorry about my English skills as I am a Brazilian-Portuguese native speaker.
Here is a great way to start.
after watching this videos you'll be up and running in no time.
Wow! Thank you for the quick reply and for the "tips" on how to get there quick way!
Btw its hard to say that I`ve already seen almost all that videos!! Honestly...when looking the videos I feel as it all (GS) is very nice and easy to be working with...but when I open the GS creator and so on...wow...looks like a rock falls on my head! (ps: I`ve downloaded the app yesterday).
I`ll keep it up by now and hope to get there at least to earn some cents.
GameSalad Community Project
Quality Game Making Service
1 On 1 Project Help
Custom Template Service
Game Creation Log - B.S.
Thanks Matt!
Hope to be same level soon mate!
Nice to know that are some professional designers walking here as I am too by now.
Thank you for the welcome and feel free to have a chat about our professional subject too as it can be all connected with the game development right?
See yah,
Hope to get some games done as this nice community as it is being since my first post here! Its nice...really is!
Just keep working at it and youll do great. I know you will.
Very very nice reception!! Really cool! Its better than being as I am right now here stoped looking for GS creator and still like freeze!
Btw...I am studying and will keep on it. Sure also happy for seeing this community enrolled together!
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Quantum_Sheep
Web: https://quantumsheep.itch.io
My parents are from Brazil as well RC...lol and I studied Game Design at school for 2 years, recently withdrew to focus on Business! See you around!
I notice that I didn't even have a Introduction thread
Thanks for the welcome mate!
Very nice to know that your parents are from here! I imagined something like this just when I read your post regarding your nickname! lol...its really supposed to be a Brazilian word.hehehe
Anyway as you said that feels like myself when looking for the game salad app, lol, it looks like we need to hurry-up getting the tail of the others that became masters already. :]
See yah! Cheers!
Thank you!
I am thinking exactly as you quoted. Start simple! Btw yesterday I was thinking about where really to start learning "all this salad" (lol) and I`ve got nothing BUT I did start watching the full video tutorial called - starting a app from scratch - and by now I am feeling a little more confident that I can do something with the Salad!!
"Hey mate, I do not want to be rich! Just wanna Health, Peace and Fun!"
Thank you and do not worry mate! Welcome for you too!!
Lets get all this Salad working and bring some fun for all of us enrolled here!
See you!
Hey, many thanks man! I hope to get some IQ together GS! LOL