Track Mouse Position when camera Y is higher ?
I think this is the problem i have been having with my app.
The spawning works fine and mouseposition touch, but when i get higher up on the scene, the spawning is lower ?
I think it is because it only tracks the XY when you are at the starting position, if anyone needs a video or more info on what i mean, do ask.
I really need help here! thanks
The spawning works fine and mouseposition touch, but when i get higher up on the scene, the spawning is lower ?
I think it is because it only tracks the XY when you are at the starting position, if anyone needs a video or more info on what i mean, do ask.
I really need help here! thanks
If you need to know, its an actor that moves up with the camera, and when you touch it, it spawns an actor, that spawned actor is spawning below (the first position of the spawner)
Help ?
in the actor you touch you have a spawn behavior then, in the x and y offset you can puit inside the actual spawn behavior, try putting the camera offset x and y attributes in there