FIXED creation log

JamwithnoJamwithno Member Posts: 312
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
There are a lot of people that are doing game creation logs so i thought that i might start one too. This is the story for FIXED. I don"t know if it is good or not i just thought of the idea right now and sense the update came out i might as well start.

FIXED - game log

World 1:
FIXED is about a robot that is only there to fix thing. Helps engineers to solve their problems for them by fixing their machines. But after one of the robots go rouge he starts fixing all the other robots to be evil like him. Even though you want to fix those machines it is in you programing to fix everything else then to start fixing the other robots. You must dodge rouge robots and fix every machine in the building that the robots are destroying. After you have fixed the main generator everything starts working again so on to the robots!

World 2:
You must dodge the rouge robot and while they are facing the other way you must fix them. Once you have fixed them you can command them to do things or set them free. Once you have collected enough good robots you re-program them and yourself to fit against the evil robot. You must collect at least 20 robots. This will give you a very small army but you will still be able to fit.

World 3:
After your army starts winning in the battle you leave the war grounds and go to the head Master of all evil robots. You have to snick in and not be seen. The other robot guards will be pacing back and forth with flash lights to find you. You can snick up behind them and fix them to work for you once you have fixed them all you have them fight the Mastor of evil. As they fight him they start to loss and you go and turn off the light and grab a laser sword and fight to the death.

That is just an idea and about the laser sword that might not make it in there i just taught my self how to draw a really cool light saber with pixel are and though i would add it in there. I want this whole thing to be pixel are and I am not the best. I would love to join in a partnership with someone but later on in the game when i am stuck with art.


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