Images bug in 0.9.3 update!

ccpccp Member Posts: 139
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Hey guys...I don't know if you're experiencing the same problem as I am, but when I updated to 0.9.3, a bunch of the images aren't appearing properly!

I have the most trouble with the images in "particles" and "animation"

If anyone knows how to fix this, that would be great!


  • JamwithnoJamwithno Member Posts: 312
    I have had this same problem. I dont have any idea how to fix it though.
  • xarmianxarmian Member Posts: 124
    Were the images that went missing merged into your project with DeepBlueApps project merger? I found, working with a newly merged project, that it doesn't merge in the images properly. What's worse, is GameSalad then deletes the entire images folder. Manually editing the assets.xml file and moving the files around, I was able to restore all the "missing" images. Still not sure what exactly is causing it to happen though.
  • BramHoddssdBramHoddssd Member Posts: 414
    all my background images are completely blank. @xarmian i didn't use the merger.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    BramHoskin said:
    all my background images are completely blank. @xarmian i didn't use the merger.

    I'm having problems with Background images because of the 0.9.3 update.

    Basically, if you're using the instance trick (change attribute / self.image) to speed up loading... and then the scene is paused... the images will be gone when the scene is returned.
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Hey, everybody!

    Our team is trying to verify and locate the source of this issue right now. I will post updates as soon as I get them.

  • FanStudioUKFanStudioUK Member Posts: 459
    I opened my project created in 0.9.2 and I had problems only with the viewer.

    When I was changing the scenes I was getting blank scenes...but after I have restarted my iPhone this stopped. I have also tested the ad-hoc build and everything works fine.
  • GamersRejoiceGamersRejoice Member Posts: 817
    This scares me because this will most likely break my game if I update. Did I mention that my game is very close to completion? I repeat, I'm scared.
  • ccpccp Member Posts: 139
    Hey all,
    I just made a "demo" file and send it to a gamesalad guy!
    I hope they can find out what's wrong!

    I was hoping to have my app released soon!

    :) I hope they work fast! :)
  • insitemobileinsitemobile Member Posts: 4
    Be Scared! I was skeptical about doing the update because I was 95% complete with my project. IMAGE alpha properties in preview are not consistent in ACTORS/IMAGES of the same type in the same scene.

    Tried to start project over from scratch and just take the lose of time/effort, but audio (ALL OGG) importing/previewing is a non-factor...Stuck til they fix
  • GhostShipAppsGhostShipApps Member Posts: 81
    I updated before reading this post and realize I can't work with animation anymore. It won't duplicate images and It's going to mess the order or crash when doing it.
    Has anyone tried to re-install the older version to keep working while the new version get fixed?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    well it doesnt matter if you install and older version of gs because you wont be able to publish without the new version

    so even if your able to downgrade, get everything working and finsih your game you cant do anything with it :(
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    Ok I face the same problem as Photics. Actor which uses the change attribute "image", will be changed to a white box after the game is UN-paused. Hope you guys can have a fix for this fast.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I was working on a project, and testing it, and ALL my images disappeared. Every single one of them :(
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    I've tried doing a workaround but failed:

    The problem: when paused, the actor which relies on the behavior: "change attribute: self.Image to "something"..self.something.."something"..".png" will fall back to a white image after the game is unpaused.

    So I tried to work around this by creating a boolean attribute called "updateImage". When the screen is paused, updateImage is false. When screen is unpaused "updateImage" is true. But I have these actors that come on screen at different times and not all of them respond to this.

    Please have a fix for this gamesalad guys! I can't be waiting for the fix in the next update which will probably come in a month's time!
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I am having the white images problem too.
    I have 8 images of 40x40pix (80x80px for Retina)
    Trying to resolve this I made new actors and new images I copied the rules into them. Strangest thing is happening. I now have 4 white and 4 working images??
    After that I have taken an images that was in a white actor and made a new actor for it with no rules and standard attributes, I didn't even change the name. Dropped it on the stage and again it turned white...
    When I then change the image to a working one (by dragging and dopping it on the actor, then deleting it from the scene and re drag and dropping it it does show the image.) Makes you think there is something with the image but the funny thing is that the images all come out of the same PSD doc and are saved for web with only the correct layer visible. So there should be no difference...

    Sorry for the long story.
  • gamedivisiongamedivision Member Posts: 807
    yeah images changed not showing up but if you right click on package content there still inside the game,just not showing up in the game,i had to re-import them then it recognises them,but ,when self.image timer after 2 sec animate that rule is not working i have to try and find an alternative,which means instead of one rule im gona need a load,and i didnt save my project before i opened it so my main game has loads of image mismatch issues so ill have to spend another 6hrs tonight instead of working on the game,one step forward 6 steps back,and ive got a bad feeling about trying to solve these issues now and then GS solves the problem and brings out another update and that breaks my game again
  • Metronome49Metronome49 Member Posts: 297

    OMG... I'm going to buy you a period for your birthday. :-)

    Breathe, mate!
  • DizkoDizko Member Posts: 498
    GamersRejoice said:
    This scares me because this will most likely break my game if I update. Did I mention that my game is very close to completion? I repeat, I'm scared.

    Me too.... hold me?
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Ok guys, as a former techie at Quark I'm not to afraid of this kind of problems, so I did some testing and it worked out for me.

    I do not know exactly what caused the white actors but when you have images or actors with names characters in them like these: (!@#$%^&;*()_+) for example) I have a clue and hopefully a solution.

    The images where named +namex or -namex. My actors where named the same.
    What I did was the following (although I did get mixed up in the process a bit so that is why I am not sure this is a solution)
    It could be that in the proces the project will not open anymore, no fear because a: you made a back up and b: you can use tShirtBoots trick:
    tshirtbooth said:
    TRY THIS. they guys at GS had me do it and it worked for me.

    right click on your project file, View package content, and rename the .guser file to test.guser

    then try and open it.

    please back up your game b4 doing this.


    1 delete the images of the faulty actors
    2 quit GS
    3 open GS
    4 look in the images box (left-bottom second tab) and see if all are gone. One of my images was still there as a blank icon image! If so delete that again
    5 repeat steps 1 to 4 until all images that should be gone are gone
    6 rename the actors with a name with odd characters in them (Possibly restart GS again)
    7 rename the images (in the finder)with a name with odd characters in them.
    8 drag them into GS
    9 drag the appropriate image on the appropriate actor.
    10 regrettably you will have to delete the actors on the stage as well and replace them (I had only 1 scene so that wasn't a problem to me).

    This worked for me. If it doesn't work try dragging a working image on the actor and after that drag the image that is supposed to be there on it again.

    I hope this helps guys, it took me hours to figure this out.

    Good luck!

    I will try to reproduce this on a (copy of a) backup to see if it all works, just wanted to post it first for those in need.

    (edit: tried and reproduced, it works in my case. But use at own risk (which isn't there if you back up ;)
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    I had a long going project going, that i've done a lot of work recently, its quit a big game so have been doing it in stages, this has screwed it right up! D'oh! Its removed half of my images that were in animations for when the actor is close to death, the images that are left that are used in animations for full health have been renamed into numbers, not what they actually were called. Where i had some background mages that were just numbers its decided to put them into the animation as well. Very strange! This seems quite a big bug that has affected many users, i do wonder how this past QA??
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Sorry to hear Beefy :(
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Hey, everybody!

    We're working on hard on trying to sort out the issues that have arisen from 0.9.3. Right now, we're having trouble reproducing the image bug people are describing.

    If you're experiencing this issue, please submit an official bug report through our web contact form.

    Also, if you'd like to help us track this stuff down even faster, please send test cases and 0.9.2 files you've had issues with to Bugs at GameSalad dot com.

    Thanks, everyone for your patience and help as we push through these fixes.

  • ccpccp Member Posts: 139
    How long do you think it will be before it is fixed?

    Like 5-6 days? 1-2 weeks? A month?

    Plz. tell, because my apps are said to be released June 1, which means they need to be in the app store by at least the 23 of May!
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447

    We're trying to turn it around as fast as we can, and we'd love to have a fix out in the next 24-48 hours, but that is entirely dependent on us being able to reproduce the problem and track down the source of the issue. The more bug reports we receive through the Web Contact Form and problem project files submitted to BUGS at GameSalad dot com, the faster we'll be able to track down the issues and blow them out of the water.

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    I wish I could help on this issue, but all of my games have saved fine, and pause didn't affect my images, and all restart when selected to. I'm no coder, but it seems to be something involved with people using advanced scripting techniques, which my games don't really implement yet, or possibly using improper characters in actor/image naming.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Your release date can easily be changed mate. Thats part of developing any software. Also if you are determined to hit June 1 you better plan on more like 14 days before hand to give ample time for review and fixing if rejected. :)
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    tenrdrmer said:
    Your release date can easily be changed mate. Thats part of developing any software. Also if you are determined to hit June 1 you better plan on more like 14 days before hand to give ample time for review and fixing if rejected. :)

    +1 if i was planning on having in the appstore by june 1i would be submitting tonigh LOL never plan out a release time. A general month is alright, but bringing it down to a specific day is asking for trouble haha
  • MagoNicolasMagoNicolas Member, PRO Posts: 2,090
    I have the Same Problem of the White Image.
    Hope this is solved Soon!

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Any non-Pro users having these issues?
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