Remembered Touch and Release Bug

GannuscioGannuscio Member Posts: 36
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I am looking to see if anyone has a workaround for a bug that I can't see to get around myself.

I have a touch -> release on a character and this touch and release is wrapped within a rule stating an attribute needs to be a certain number before this action takes place.

The problem is that the touches are being remembered within game salad. If I click on the character from the start it does not execute the touch -> release. Once the attribute equals the rule then the the touch and release is automatically executed without the user having to actually touch and release on the character.

I can't for the life of me figure out a workaround and it is holding up my whole project.

I thought this would have been resolved in today's release but it isn't.

Please let me know as I will be extremely grateful!


  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi Gannuscio, can you post your touch/release Rules we can have a look at?

    Also, are you using any Load/Save Behaviours anywhere?

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • GannuscioGannuscio Member Posts: 36
    Thanks for the reply gyroscope:

    Just a little background. I have 20 actors on the screen and I want the user to have to touch->release them in order as this is a counting application.

    I have an attribute (Integer) called PoppedCounter. This integer is initially 0. After the first actor is touched it is then changed to 1. After the second changed to 2 and so on.

    Rule: When All conditions are valid
    Actor receives event: Touch is Released

    Rule: When all conditions are valid
    Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 1

    At this point a balloon pops and a number falls out of the balloon.

    I have also tried it vice-versa with the rule including the Attribute first and the touch->release rule wrapped inside of it.

    Let me know if this is not clear enough as it is kinda difficult to explain.
  • GannuscioGannuscio Member Posts: 36
    Whoops, just saw your comment on load/save attribute. I am not using either one anywhere in the game.

  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    I think I understand: the balloons need to be popped in order, so you've an game attribute called PoppedCounter, set to 1 inititally.

    In the first balloon, try

    Rule: When All conditions are valid
    Actor receives event: Touch is Released
    Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 1
    -----(i.e not a new Rule for "when Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 1", but put into the same place as Touch is released)


    ---your number spawning or showing/falling Rules---

    Change Attribute PoppedCounter to 2

    In your second balloon, put

    Rule: When All conditions are valid
    Actor receives event: Touch is Released
    Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 2


    ---your number spawning or showing/falling Rules---
    Change Attribute PoppedCounter to 3


    Hope I've understood correctly and that helps. :-)

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • GannuscioGannuscio Member Posts: 36

    Thanks for the reply again. I have tried your recommendation but that has not solved the problem.

    It is like it is remembering the touch->release on the actor and as soon as the attribute gets to 2 it pops the balloon automatically.

    Any other ideas that might work? I am lost.

    Thanks again
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi, this stumped me for a while; pressing in the correct order, everything was fine, but pressing in the wrong order, all of them "popped". I then changed When Touch is Released to When Touch is Pressed and works fine. But what game logic is going on with touch release destroying all the actors I don't know...

    Anyway, this is what I've got (you can use the same actors/different actors/mix of both without problem, providing any same actors' Rules are unlocked, making them instances):

    Rule: When All conditions are valid
    Actor receives event: Touch is Pressed
    Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 1
    -----(i.e not a new Rule for "when Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 1", but put into the same place as Touch is released)


    ---your number spawning or showing/falling Rules---

    Change Attribute PoppedCounter to 2
    Destroy this actor

    In your second balloon, put

    Rule: When All conditions are valid
    Actor receives event: Touch is Pressed
    Attribute game.PoppedCounter = 2


    ---your number spawning or showing/falling Rules---
    Change Attribute PoppedCounter to 3
    Destroy this actor

    ------ ETC.

    Fingers crossed it works for you now. :-)

    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

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