Lesson learned: Sales from apps with same title but with or w/o HD
Hi guys just to post this here to share what I discovered regarding buyer purchase mentality.
Now I have been making games that have basically the same gameplay and thus consistent for iPhone/iPad and mac OSX.
I'd like to focus on iPhone and iPad. I will not go into MacOSX because I don't have substantial numbers for this to warrant a fair comparison and study.
Games that are made initially for iPad and priced at 1.99USD continue to do well. Sales are very consistent. When no iPhone version of the game is available. Very consistent means it continues to draw sales figures for months.
When an iPhone version of that game is released, and priced at 99 cents, almost immediately the sales for the iPad version plummets.
The game made for the iPhone has the same name, except it doesn't have the "HD" after it. Same icon except without the "HD" tag on it. However, the gameplay is very different! Plus the screen shots are different.
Hence, the iPad owner when faced with a choice between the two, will pick the cheaper priced version. Even though the cheaper priced version has a different gameplay from the HD version made for the bigger screen of the iPad.
This definitely affect sales. In a bad way, at least for me.
I am going to try a different approach to this. Change your icon and the name of your iPhone game. It should not be similar to your iPad version of your game. (I think this is fair for me because the iPhone version of my game has very different gameplay. If yours have similar gameplay between your iPhone and iPad version, you might want to rethink on this). I will see if this will improve the current situation I am facing.
If you have any thoughts on this you can share it here.
Now I have been making games that have basically the same gameplay and thus consistent for iPhone/iPad and mac OSX.
I'd like to focus on iPhone and iPad. I will not go into MacOSX because I don't have substantial numbers for this to warrant a fair comparison and study.
Games that are made initially for iPad and priced at 1.99USD continue to do well. Sales are very consistent. When no iPhone version of the game is available. Very consistent means it continues to draw sales figures for months.
When an iPhone version of that game is released, and priced at 99 cents, almost immediately the sales for the iPad version plummets.
The game made for the iPhone has the same name, except it doesn't have the "HD" after it. Same icon except without the "HD" tag on it. However, the gameplay is very different! Plus the screen shots are different.
Hence, the iPad owner when faced with a choice between the two, will pick the cheaper priced version. Even though the cheaper priced version has a different gameplay from the HD version made for the bigger screen of the iPad.
This definitely affect sales. In a bad way, at least for me.
I am going to try a different approach to this. Change your icon and the name of your iPhone game. It should not be similar to your iPad version of your game. (I think this is fair for me because the iPhone version of my game has very different gameplay. If yours have similar gameplay between your iPhone and iPad version, you might want to rethink on this). I will see if this will improve the current situation I am facing.
If you have any thoughts on this you can share it here.