BBC 'The Apprentice' episode 2 - App design and marketing challenge
Just watched last nights episode of the English BBC Apprentice
(you probably have to be in the UK to view it or have some way around it, torrent?).
Essentially the two teams have to come up with app ideas to be sold for free on the blackberry app store for 24 hours. The ones with the most views win. They market them to big websites ie. , and do a stage presentation at a big games event in London.
- The app ideas are both very poor, but interesting to watch anyway.
- It came down to the marketing in the end (getting featured on the right websites), choosing the right wording for your app descriptions first line, and a globally appealing app idea....
Did the right team win... ?
(you probably have to be in the UK to view it or have some way around it, torrent?).
Essentially the two teams have to come up with app ideas to be sold for free on the blackberry app store for 24 hours. The ones with the most views win. They market them to big websites ie. , and do a stage presentation at a big games event in London.
- The app ideas are both very poor, but interesting to watch anyway.
- It came down to the marketing in the end (getting featured on the right websites), choosing the right wording for your app descriptions first line, and a globally appealing app idea....
Did the right team win... ?
The team that didn't win were robbed I think.
Like you say....both ideas were pretty gash though.