pause bug?
I have a menu button top left of my scene, when clicked it pauses the scene and presents 4 options. The first option is to 'continue' the game... however when you click 'continue' to go back in to the game and then try tapping the menu button again it NEVER registers the first click... only the second...
Is this a bug?
Is this a bug?
are you on 0.93?
Odd thing is, it doesn't happen when I put the unpause attribute directly into the first rule 'when touch is pressed'... but it does happen if i add a rule saying - if 'touch released' - unpause.
The reason I want it in a new rule is so I can show a button down state.
It's just odd.
thanks Roy
like when "released" change size/change image/interpolate to off screen ?
I'm truly stumped
when touch i released interpolate "self.x" to 400 (go off screen)
then i have a rule , when self.position.x = 400 DO unpause.
With this the issue is resolved and i added a nice professional touch to the pause scene.
So basically putting the unpause in a rule solves this.